February Half  Term Camp - Change of Location

Location: Dagenham & Redbridge FC, Victoria Road, RM10 7XL Access for cars, etc is via the Victoria Road entrance. Pedestrians can enter from Victoria Road or the entrance by Pondfield Park. The closest station is Dagenham East & the 103 bus stops at the top of Victoria Road.

Dates: Monday 17 th February – Friday 21 st February

Timings: The camp will start at 09:30 and finish at 15:30.

Please arrive in time to allow a prompt start, but no earlier than 09:15.

Please be ready to collect your child(ren) at 15:30.

Thank You Paragon Dagenham

Paragon Dagenham, from Choats Road near Dagenham Dock, has generously sponsored the Daggers Trust Inter School World Cup Fun Football Festival which will take place at Goals Dagenham from Monday 17th - Thursday 20th March when 8 teams will compete each day.playing a total of 7 matches each. It is a 5 a side competition with teams coming from Years 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 and 7&8. Each team will be made up of 8 players, four girls and 4 boys. No more than 3 girls, or boys, can be on the pitch at the same time. The festival immediately follows Diversity Day and is part of the PLCF Fans' Fund Campaign.

Paragon has also supplied the Trust with 3 pull up and 6 pop up banners free of charge.

Kickstart4Kids Match Funding We've Done It

We have reached our target of £7,500. THANK YOU

A big ‘THANK YOU’ to all the fans, players, and staff who have contributed, and we are pleased to announce that we have been able to raise a total of £7501.85 for the Daggers Trust exceeding the Match Funding target of £7,500, representing 101% of the funds required. Essex and Southend Sports Trust (EASST) donated £10,000 to the Trust in December with a promise of a further £7,500 if the Trust could match the same amount. The funds are used to provide free fun evening football sessions for local youngsters at Goals Dagenham every Tuesday and Thursday during term time. Kickstarters4Kids. With the support of EASST, we were abe to restart the post Christmas Kickstarters4Kids sessions at Goals Dagenham last week.


Over the last few weeks, the Club and the Trust have worked together to help raise that extra £7,500 in a number of different ways. The raffle at the Rochdale game for the Mascot Package raised £583 (Winner Albie), the Man of the Match (Ryan Hill) shirt raffle from Boxing Day contributed a further £562 (Winner Steve Wigington) the match worn shirt auction (Graham Budd Auctions) brought in £2,033.60, four private individual donations added £2,350 to the pot, Gift Aid totals £736.25, Paragon donated £500, the Tea Bar collection boxes added a further £12, bucket collection £20 and the Just Giving Page £705. Added together we have raised £7501.85 in Match Funding in only 5 weeks. If you would still like to contribute towards the Trust's activities, the Just Giving Page is still running and any further donations can generate Gift Aid.

If you would like to contribute, please go to the Daggers Trust Just Giving Page bit.ly/DTJGP

Every Pound counts. #COYD

Kickstarter Sessions 

Every Tuesday & Thursday @ Goals

@daggerstrust Kickstart4Kids Sessions on Tuesdays (Aged 12-18). Free Fun Sessions @ Goals, Dagenham (RM9 6FD). There are limited spaces available. The Thursday younger age group is currently FULL. If you are interested in registering your child(ren), scan the QR Code on the poster or use the link https://bit.ly/K4KS2025

February Multisports Camp NOW FULL

The Daggers Trust February Half Term Camp


Junior Daggers - Mascot Prize Winner

We have drawn the @Dag_RedFC Junior Daggers Mascot Prize Winner for the 2nd half of the season. Albie Brooks will be Mascot on Really Good Friday 18th April when we play @EUFCofficial in @TheVanaramaNL all Junior Daggers & Families will be able to meet the players after the game. 

If you would like to make a donation to this fantastic cause, please scan the QR Code or use the following link: bit.ly/DTJGP

JD's "Really Good Friday"

Junior Daggers Mascot Prize Winner

Six year old Ralph is the lucky Junior Dagger whose name was drawn out of the hat by Dave Baisden at the Gateshead game on 14th September. Ralph has won the first of two mascot packages and will be here for the game versus Rochdale on 14th December. The mascot package prize has a retail value of £150.


Junior Daggers ‘Really Good Friday’

The second lucky Junior Dagger will be drawn in the New Year and will be part of the JD ‘Really Good Friday’ on Friday 18th April when the Daggers play Eastleigh in the Vanarama National League. All of the Junior Daggers will be invited to form the Matchday Guard of Honour, and 22 youngsters will be chosen to Walk Out with the teams prior to kick off. After the match, they will all be able to meet the players and staff in the Ted Hardy Lounge.


It is still not too late to sign up. Details of both the Senior and Junior Daggers Packages can be found on HERE

Are you looking for a local team for your child to play in?   Use the Essex FA Squad Booster